
My name is Merel Hegenbart. As a visual artist I work with photography, film and text to tell a story. My work is documentary, but sometimes tends to fiction because of my conceptual approach.

Although my working method is not set in stone, the process often forms the final work and is therefore visible to the viewer. My investigative approach and the questions I have about photography often result in my projects not only telling a story, but also being an investigation into photography as a medium.

All in all, I explore relationships, memories and perception, and play with the possibilities and limitations of photography in imagining these themes. My findings help me to better understand myself, my surroundings, photography and the connection between the three.



Studio Borgerstraat, Rotterdam Art Week: 'TRY NOT TO CHANGE - PHOTOGRAPHY CHANGES EVERYTHING'.


NDSM FUSE, Amsterdam: Tijdgeest & Spookbeelden, 'Inner Paradise'  in collaboration with illustrator Carlyn Westerink.


Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam: Night In / Day Out, 'TRY NOT TO CHANGE - PHOTOGRAPHY CHANGES EVERYTHING'.

AREA 2022, Loods6, Amsterdam: 'I would love to make a photo project about you','TRY NOT TO CHANGE - PHOTOGRAPHY CHANGES EVERYTHING' 


FotoFestival Naarden: The Art Of Living, 'I would love to make a photo project about you'


Noorderlicht International Photo Festival, Groningen: The Makeable Mind, 'Bad News'


Office Defence for Children, Leiden: Defence for Children, 'We Are Family' 


ID-Expo, Bijlmerbajes, Amsterdam, 'LekkerDING', 'Asenath Yanara'

Using Format